Ice Pearl

Later in, jakarta hot-hot again. Most seger was drinking iced. Well, this one ice really easy to make. Besides it is seger abis, so try to be addictive ….
100 grams of pearl
100 grams sugar
500 ml of pure watermelon juice
Lychee sufficiently
Fresh watermelon taste
Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

1. Boil water and sugar, input pearls, pearl cook until cooked. Once cooked, remove, filter, input in ice water.

2. Prepare a cup / bowl, input pearls, input watermelon juice, then put the Lychee and fresh watermelon slices on top. Add ice cubes. Serve.

Padang Sauce Mussels

I tried this cuisine inspired by shells pastures green sauce I have ever eaten at one restaurant in Surabaya. Because pleased with this menu, so I try to cook myself. Marinade too tentative. Be Shellfish plain green sauce. It was still sweet and spicy.
Green Shells 1 kg
3 tablespoons tomato ketchup
1 tablespoon sambal sauce
Seeds 3 green chilli, sliced thinly
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic, minced
enough water

How to menbuat:

1. Clean the mussels, steamed until cooked (do not steam too long, because if the old can make a hard shell).

2. Peel the shells, partially skinned, and then set aside.

3. Saute garlic until fragrant, input chilli, tomato, sambal sauce, salt & sugar, mix well add water. After the water boils, oysters and stir input rata. Cook until well blended. Shells are ready to serve.